Ways you can support
There are many ways in which you can support the festival. If you would be interested in volunteering, joining the board or hosting a musician for the week, please get in touch via email or the contact form on our website.
To ensure the success of the festival we are relying on the generous support of individuals and businesses, could you be one of our supporters right at the beginning of our journey?
To become an official Festival Supporter or Festival Patron you can donate the specified amount below. Your name will be listed in the 2024 programme, or you can choose to remain anonymous, and you will receive a complimentary festival programme in August. You can also choose to donate a custom amount. We are extremely grateful for any amount of support you can give!
Festival Supporter £25
Festival Patron £100
Are you a local business?
Would you like to sponsor the the festival or advertise your business in our programme? Get in touch via our contact form.